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Landless Voices II

Seminar on Gender and Countryside Education – Stage II


Location: Federal University of Paraná

Date: June 8-10, 2017


- Estudantes de Mestrado em Educação da UFPR, que colaboraram com o projeto.

- Participação pontual de estudantes do Ensino Médio do Colégio Estadual do Campo Contestado.

- Teachers of the schools of the Elementary and Middle School - camps and settlements of Land reform

 - Members of the Movement of Landless Rural Workers that work in the education, gender and health sector.

 - Students of Pedagogy of the UFPR who act as fellows in the project

 - Master studens in Education at the UFPR, who has colaborted with the project

 - Punctual participation of high school students from the Contestado Rural State School

Number of participants: 60 teachers and MST members; 4 fellows from UFPR; 4 UFPR's Master studens; 8 students from the Contestado Rural State School theatre production).

List of participants [PDF 391KB]

Activities carried out: Lectures on the “Gag Law” in the Brazilian context and on the position of different religions in relation to the gender issues. Theoretical training on the two axes of the research: sexual division of labour and gender diversity. Lectures on peasant feminism and on gender diversity in the popular agrarian reform project. Cultural evening on the history of feminism and sexual diversity. Socialization of teachers’ experience rural schools.

Event Schedule [PDF 393KB]

Coordinators: Else R. P. Vieira (Queen Mary); Sônia F. Schwendler (UFPR)

Monitors of the Graduation in Pedagogy (UFPR): Sabrina K. Freschi; Regina A. S. de Oliveira; Douglas G.Trevisan; Karyn E. O. Betiatto.

Master studens in Educação (UFPR): Aguinaldo Cordeiro; Catarina R. Vieira;Luciane Olegario da Silva; Mariana R. do Amaral; Simone A. Rezende.

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